It is our mission to empower children through an innovative running program to achieve their goals and pursue healthy lifestyles. GO FAR helps to…
It is our vision to ignite a passion for healthy living among children, families and communities.
OBX GO FAR (GO OUT FOR A RUN) is a structured program for elementary and middle school age groups to train for a 5K or fun run through a 5 week season. Runners are trained by volunteer mentors that follow a curriculum that teaches proper running technique, fitness, health concepts, nutrition, and character building. They train by walk/run interval times to gradually build on proper conditioning for running while learning about a main nutrition and fitness concept each week. They also strive to meet a character skill each week; Commitment, Responsibility, Attitude, Goal-Setting, Friendship, Attitude, Optimism, Perseverance, and Respect.
At the end of their training season, OBX GO FAR participants display and make their final step in achievement by performing in the 5K or fun run event. Parents, neighbors, siblings, and friends are invited to participate with them at the event. GO FAR is about bringing the community together to make positive steps towards a healthier future.