It is our mission to empower children through an innovative running program to achieve their goals and pursue healthy lifestyles. GO FAR helps to…

  • Get children active and reduce childhood obesity and its complications
  • Teach children about healthy eating habits that they can sustain into adulthood
  • Model the importance of good character and how it applies to success in life
  • Show children how to set and achieve goals and complete a 5K road race
  • Create a ripple effect in schools & communities when children motivate others to get involved


It is our vision to ignite a passion for healthy living among children, families and communities.


OBX GO FAR (GO OUT FOR A RUN) is a structured program for elementary and middle school age groups to train for a 5K or fun run through a 5 week season. Runners are trained by volunteer mentors that follow a curriculum that teaches proper running technique, fitness, health concepts, nutrition, and character building. They train by walk/run interval times to gradually build on proper conditioning for running while learning about a main nutrition and fitness concept each week. They also strive to meet a character skill each week; Commitment, Responsibility, Attitude, Goal-Setting, Friendship, Attitude, Optimism, Perseverance, and Respect.

At the end of their training season, OBX GO FAR participants display and make their final step in achievement by performing in the 5K or fun run event. Parents, neighbors, siblings, and friends are invited to participate with them at the event. GO FAR is about bringing the community together to make positive steps towards a healthier future.


  • The OBX GO FAR program has served over 12,000 children throughout Dare County in the past 15 years! The program trains elementary and middle school students for a 5K or fun run by completing the training program has a curriculum teaching students about proper running, health and fitness, nutrition, and character building.
  • The GO FAR program started in the OBX 15 years ago by Samantha Lock; the former After-School Enrichment Director for Dare County Schools. Samantha was aware of the obesity epidemic that was spreading across the communities and realized that the ASEP program needed a curriculum or program that would help the children to move their bodies and take steps towards healthier living.
  • The program started the first year through the ASEP program, but then took off like wildfire and became open to all of the schools reaching nearly 300 participants each season.
  • To support the large number of children in the program it soon became apparent that OBX GO FAR would need to become its own non-profit in the OBX to retrieve the funding needed.
  • The OBX GO FAR program is offered to elementary and middle school age groups in Dare County.
  • It is a volunteer-based program.
  • To achieve our mission of reaching any and every child in our community, fees to the community are kept at a minimum with over 80 scholarships provided to families each year. Parents/Families pay $40-$45 on average per season while the actual per child cost for students to participate is $110.
  • Sponsorship, fundraisers, and donations are the main resource for funding the OBX GO FAR program.
  • In 2018 OBX GO FAR established the Miles College Education Fund for graduating seniors who participated in the OBX GO FAR at some point in Elementary or Middle School. Each May this fund provides two graduating seniors from Dare County a $1,000.00 scholarship for college or post high school continuing education. To date the program has given $20,000 to past OBX GO FAR participants.